Environmental protection is a global issue.
The community promotes ecological awareness and Sustainability in Asia through a Travel Community channel. The page has currently 4’300 followers mainly from South-East Asia and Bangkok area.
Environmental initiatives have higher impact in Asia and particularly in South-East Asia.
The implementation costs are lower. One US Dollar spent in Asia represents 5 to 7 times the equivalent in the Western world.
Less standards and little regulation make environmental projects in South-East Asia far more effective.
The priorities are waste disposal, waste prevention and the protection of waters and oceans.
I am personally committed realising projects abroad through transfer payments.
From an economic perspective, it is also advantageous for entrepreneurs in the western world, as pricing power inequality decreases over time. More regulations are expected, finally leading to an increase unit labour costs in developing countries.
Promoting stricter regulation in developing countries means that the lost competitiveness can be compensated and regained while unit labor costs and living standards increase.
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